A day of music, community and shared culture in glorious surroundings

Brass at the Castle 2024 is a collaborative event between Drum and Brass and the Cumbria Brass Network.

Bands signed up to play at Lowther Castle

Tickets booked over the weekend

Thanks to ITV for supporting us!

The concept was great well done. However the location wasn’t quite right. It looked to the people going to the castle as if it were a private event. Lowther castle is a go to place and not a location with passing footfall to grab people’s attention. A central lakes or tourist area such as Keswick or similar would attract more attention!

Great idea, but the wrong location, and the sequencing and planning didn’t work well. I appreciate the weather on both days was not kind, but this type of event needs a much more public location (Bowness, Windermere) with far more passing public, and more thought about venue type and how to accommodate cumbrian weather conditions. Lowther Castle is not the place to do such an event: it is too out of the way of a casual passing audience. Try to make it a showcase of Cumbrian bands: it was a pretty thin offer in the end, given the number of bands we actually have in the region. A format that keeps bands around for longer than ‘their’ set needs to be considered.

The Saturday massed band session with Andy Kershaw was not what I expected, but was extremely useful. Sectionals, and more of this masterclass approach would keep bands interested.

Well done for trying to put this event together, but it strikes me that there needs to be much more buy-in with other bands in the planning and organisation, as well as much more involvement by the hosts. It felt (and looked) like a private event tucked out of the way in a location, rather than a big public Brass Band Week event.

A good concept, but rather disappointing delivery.

A great event, varied programmes and performers, all enjoyable. More seats for spectators and shelters ( in case of rain) would be useful.

Enthusiastic organisation, entertaining performances, hope for better weather next year.

Great to hear other bands and enjoy some wonderful music. Conducting workshop was great and really useful. Just a shame a couple of bands pulled out.

A very enjoyable and inspiring weekend, a really positive way to promote brass music. A brilliant family day with some fantastic bands playing!

It was brilliant. Very inspirational and great fun. Despite the weather being awful, it did not dampen the spirits of the audience and the bands. Superb, roll on next years festival

Well done bringing together all the bands. Lovely to have taken part and honoured to play with other extremely talented musicians. Sadly the weather wasn’t great but didn’t dampen the spirit

I’m very happy to do anything I can to help in any way that I can … and I enjoyed the whole experience from helping set up to chatting and serving scones .and playing of course. Just glad to feel useful and included …

What a lovely day. Shame about the weather. The bands were excellent. Everyone should be very proud. A lot of hard work has gone on to organise this event. Thank you

Need more seating for band personnel and audience and cover in case of rain. Announcements need to be louder or more speakers around the area.

Absolutely fabulous event what a lovely setting and totally free. I really enjoyed the wide variety of music the bands played. Such alot of talent on display. The event itself, despite the weather, was a fun and friendly affair. Both days had something for everyone. I hope that it is repeated next year as it is a pretty unique event for Cumbria.

Thank you for this opportunity to thank absolutely everyone involved with setting up and organising this fabulous event. Gathering together brass bands from all parts of Cumbria and providing the magical setting of Lowther Castle as a backdrop was sheer genius.

The music rose above the rather miserable weather. I watched and listened to such talented musicians who act as an inspiration to me and suggest that one day I might be as good.

Tourists and locals alike who I spoke to certainly seemed to be enjoying the event. Feet were tapping and some people were even dancing, wonderful.
The love of music; doing something as a group; open to everyone and learning all the time, these are just some of the positive aspects of being in a brass band. I think the Lowther Event showcased this perfectly. Hopefully, there were some in the audience who just might have been encouraged by what they saw and heard to pop along to their local band night and join in.
Brass at the Castle, was and is a true community event and I am truly grateful that I was given the opportunity to be a small part of such a wonderful weekend. I would like to again give my personal thanks to Julie and all who helped to make it possible. Plus, what a place to play. Thank you so much Lowther, not sure I’ll ever play anywhere else quite as magical. I almost forgot to add that all of this was totally free, amazing.

Maybe put some seats out for our audience .Some of them were of a certain age and must have found the steps uncomfortable.

A number in the band were disappointed that turnout/audience was so low. Linked to this some have commented that it’s not the best location because it’s not busy, and that a town centre event in say Keswick would be higher profile and better supported.

Great to be amongst like minded and enthusiastic folk.
I felt that the performance area was a bit out on a limb and separate to the focus of where visitors to the Castle were mainly located. Would it be possible to have the performances in the Castle courtyard?

Unfortunately a wasted opportunity A couple of thoughts I will share with you in person.

It was a great start to a wonderful festival that despite the awful weather produced some great music and real connections. The venue was stunning but possibly the venue was not ideally placed to support the audience . Better seating and coverage for the audience would have helped. And clearer directions and guidance on arrival.
It would have been nice to know who the bands were and perhaps have more opportunity (to meet the players).
Well done a great start! And so good to see the youth and younger bands take part.