Cumbria Youth Brass Band

Supporting young brass players in Cumbria


Cumbria Youth Brass – CYBB – is a youth brass band shaped by its young players.


It’s a movable feast, travelling around our huge county and giving players new musical experiences.


It’s a space where young brass players meet, develop skills and perform together while building confidence and connections with other young players


Why do “Cumbria Youth Brass Band” players enjoy this band?








“It’s chance to get into another world”

“We get to play new music together”

“You get to play with people your own age”

“When you play in a band it’s fun”

Players in the youth band

Cumbria Youth Brass Band (CYBB)  is run together with Cumbria’s brass bands. With venues across the county and experienced conductors, the CYBB is shaped by its young brass players aged 7 – 21.

  • Players choose the music they like
  • They helped design the uniform
  • Sessions include breaks for socialising and getting to know one another
  • The players have strong opinions about biscuits!
  • Players of all abilities are welcomed to the band.

The band has two groups so players of different levels of experience can meet, develop skills and perform with their peers. After their own more challenging session, experienced players stay to support and inspire newer recruits.

Cumbria Youth Brass Band sessions are held in different parts of the huge county of Cumbria to ensure access is available to everyone. Players and their families have enjoyed visiting new places.

We ask for a small contribution to cover the cost of the venue, sheet music and conductors travel costs. Sessions are booked on line.

Drum and Brass is keen to support participation from as many young musicians as we can and run a fully inclusive opportunity.

To book, please follow Drum and Brass on Eventbrite. You will then get invitations to each session.

Find out from the players and leaders how the Cumbria Youth Brass Band began 

Listen to our podcast

With thanks to our supporters

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