Tebay - Melody Makers and T-Brass

Two groups to grow your skills

Tebay Methodist Church, Woodend Cottages, Tebay

Go down the left hand side and follow the noise. We have a cosy room with projector, chairs and friendly staff who will make you feel really welcome.



“I like learning music and seeing my friends and making new ones”

“we all get to play the same piece but with different parts because it always sounds great when we harmonise.”
“They are very kind there, the most fun part is playing on the instruments.”
“I get to play an instrument with my friends”
“Playing loud sounds”
“Playing with others and improving notes”
Band member quotes

Melody Makers – 3.30 – 4.30 pm – is our after-school beginner music group where young players from 6 can learn basic playing and reading skills through games and participation


T-Brass – 6:00 – 7:00 pm – is where our more experienced players develop ensemble skills and lifelong musical friendships. Adult players may like to join in and support this young group.

drum and brass leicester