A group of young musicians playing their cornets.

Badges, ABRSM Music Medals, Trinity Arts Awards

We want every player to be able to develop in their own way. As an inclusive organisation, we know that there is more to being in a band than just sitting and playing.

Therefore we offer experiences that celebrate all the added stuff that comes with being in a band such as e.g. being able to plan an event or manage the band library. This helps young people envisage a range of career options from professional musician to teaching or music management.

We offer a package of qualifications that support players to reach their potential as an individual,as a musician, and as a member of their community.

Our progression system offers flexible options which allow everyone to find their strengths.

brightly coloured button badhes feature labels including composing, conducting and community

Drum and Brass Badges

The first two years as a musician are the hardest. Anyone will tell you that. It’s when the most drop-outs occur. Parents, teachers and players can expect too much too soon. At Drum and Brass we felt the need to celebrate the many real achievements that beginner players make when they first join a band.

In 2019 we  borrowed from the Guides and Scouts tradition and devised a set of badges for our young players which have indeed nurtured hundreds of youngsters through the first 2 years.

The badges celebrate the best of what being in a band means.

Structured around three aspects of youth music-making, they are not limited to playing the instrument (though that’s covered).:


Management and


ABRSM Music Medals

Music Medals are D+B’s choice of music qualification.

They are more inclusive, more affordable and more accessible.

The players prepare an ensemble piece and a solo, and also work on some musical ‘ear training’.

These medals (actually a badge and an ABRSM certificate)  give young players the experience of leading their own ‘ensemble’ or music group.

Trinity Arts Awards

Drum and Brass has delivered Arts Awards since 2019. We have worked with large and small groups and individuals on a range of projects which devlop critical thinking and arts leadership.

As an Arts Awards Centre, Drum and Brass is able to support young people wanting experience that will count towards their Discover, Explore, Bronze and Silver  awards.

As qualified assessors we can also deliver Arts Award packages, such as Discover in a Day. Get in touch to find out more