Working with communities and partners to make music happen

“Its been a pleasure working with you over the years and supporting the great work Drum and Brass do!”

Nell and Louise at the Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation

D+B projects

Brass at the Castle

Brass at the Castle

Brass at the Castle is a celebration of the UK’s brass heritage and futures set in the beautiful grounds of Lowther Castle

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Youth Band Resources

Youth Band Resources

The Gary Young Project - play-along videos for every "Fancy That" part Drum and Brass is working with composer and brass legend Gary Young to make his works for young bands even more accessible.  Write/Compose/Arrange Your Own Music https://musescore.org/en...

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Awards for All funded Drum and Brass to explore creative writing and poetry in Leicester’s prison. The participants produced two plays and two books.

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STEAMPUNK is a different way into music with a global focus on sustainability and the 6 R’s,

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collaborative projects

Brass at the Castle – full report

Brass at the Castle was an event in which Drum and Brass actively sought to collaborate and bring together brass bands across Cumbria. It took two years to plan and almost failed due to the difficulties in finding a date and location that would work for all bands. On...

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No Bars Penrith

No Bars Penrith

Thursdays 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Inclusive and creative Music-Making for all instrumentalists at Blue Jam Art Space, Mostyn Hall Penrith

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Brass, Drums and Trains is the first collaborative music project between Drum and Brass and Blue Jam Arts.

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Cumbria Brass Network Discussion – Player Support

e strategiessIn the Cumbria Brass Network meeting on February 15th, band players came together to duscuss player support. This conversation is ongoing. Take part by completing our survey: Player support survey Training Bands and Boot Camps For those new to brass...

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Sounds of… Helen Minors

Sounds of… Helen Minors

Transcript of “Doing Music Differently” conference keynote speaker Helen Minors, talking about music, women, leadership and change

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Doing music differently

Doing music differently

Doing Music Differently March 2021 – Drum and Brass shifted the conversation about inclusive music with this conference, hear the podcasts and find out more about the day

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